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Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye.... Savannah has 3 daughters and 1 son born on 28th March 2003.....



I'm Savannah and I'm the baby of the family (for the moment).
My official name is Avonrhodes Ms Shironah
(it would have been Ms Savannah but somebody
else already had that for their prefix).
My Mum and her friend Marion Banks bred me in partnership.
Marion has her own web page at http://www.wn.com.au/tyaridge.

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Stand up for a treat you say, OK, anytime!

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Some people are just natural posers for the camera..... but not Me.

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With my sister Abbi - she's actually the naughty one.

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What's for lunch?

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Mnandi makes a good pillow.

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Who goes there!

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Who said I can't hold my drink!



© Robyn Blake
This page was last updated on 21 March 2003.