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Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye.... Savannah has 3 daughters and 1 son born on 28th March 2003.....



I'm Beau, the only male RR around here. My official name is
Makimba Nanzelela CD. Of course Mnandi is my mother.

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Mum always said I was a silk cravat, chaise longue sort of guy.

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And I'm even cuter than my mother...

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Here's looking at you babe.......

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Here I am with my daughter, sigh!!

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Mnandi isn't the only one decorated with ribbons....

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.....My CD rosette, ho hum!

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We are forever watchful in case those lions come back,,,,



© Robyn Blake
This page was last updated on 10 March 2003